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- Party Room reservation fee is $60.00 and is non-refundable.
- $100.00 security deposit is required at the time of check-in (refunded immediately after room inspection)
- Room must be cleaned and left in the same condition as check-in (cleaning products and trash can are provided)
- Party is NOT to exceed 25 people (this is the capacity of the room and will be strictly adhered to)
- Room is booked in 2 hour minimum blocks (fees will be applied for exceeding 2 hour block)
- Golf rate is $7.50 per person per round (guests pay for only those who play)
- A minimum of one adult must accompany each group of 4 children or teens
- Popcorn is provided for your party
- Guests are responsible for decorations, paper products and utensils
- No alcoholic beverages or tobacco products allowed on premises
- Guest may bring any food items and all food items must remain in the party room
- All course code of conduct rules apply
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